City and County of San Diego COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium

On March 16, 2020, California Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-28-20 as updated on March 27, 2020 Executive Order N-37-20. This Order suspended any provision of state law that would preempt or otherwise restrict a local government from imposing limitations on residential and commercial evictions on the basis of non-payment of rent due to financial hardship from a substantial decrease …

What a Landlord Should Know if a Tenant is a Victim of Domestic Violence or Abuse

Effective January 1, 2016, the California Legislature amended Civil Code Section 1946.7. This code section effectively enables a tenant to break a lease agreement prematurely, without penalty, if the tenant notifies the landlord in writing that he or she is a victim of an act of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, elder abuse, or abuse of a dependent adult. …